“Art is my Passion”

Pain­ting — day or night, that makes the passion. 

For seve­ral years, the young artist Danie­la Hecht has deve­lo­ped and per­fec­ted her typi­cal line­ar style, making her part of con­tem­po­ra­ry art.


Her works are part of a new gene­ra­ti­on of artists and reflect the inner life of Danie­la Hecht. 

Her style is abs­tract, line­ar art­works that appears in colorful expressiveness.

The Artist


Danie­la Hecht is an artist who repres­ents in her pain­tings her per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment, as well as emo­ti­ons and crea­tes a reflec­tion of her rea­li­ty. She allows the view­er to immer­se them­sel­ves in a world that crea­tes a harm­o­ny bet­ween cha­os and struc­tu­re, appe­al­ing to their own inner intuition. 


For purcha­sing a pain­ting or ques­ti­ons plea­se cont­act: info@danielahecht.de